12 reasons for owning a narrow boat.
At the beginning of
every new year many of us decide to make some changes in our life's. The start
of a new year brings the opportunity to push the reset button and achieve new
goals whether it's weight lose, getting a new job, planning a lifetime holiday,
starting a family, making an investment or moving house.
If you are
considering buying a narrow boat and need a little more reassurance that you
are doing the right thing, then read our 12 reasons why living on/owning a
narrow boat is so great.

We think after you
have read our 12 reasons for owning a narrow boat, you will soon be on your way
to see us!
1 No Neighbours
One of the major
benefits of living on a narrow boat is the fact that if you want complete
isolation you can just cruise off and find it. With over 2000 miles of
waterways in the U.K you can rest assure you will be able to find many
quiet and peaceful locations to escape too.
Having said that if
you do want to be part of a community then mooring with others is also possible
in marinas and on busier stretches of the canal system. So basically you are
in a win win situation, grab the company of others when you want it and set sail
when you don't.
2 Waterside Location
If we were to compare
the affordability of buying a land home on a waterside location against buying
a narrowboat to enjoy the same luxury, then I think buying a boat would win
hands down.
Not many people can
boast they have the envious opportunity to wake up to the sounds of the
waterways each day, but when you live on a narrow boat it's all part and parcel of
day to day life.
3 Being Close to Nature
When your front and
back garden consists of 2000 miles of British waterways then your going to
encounter a variety of changing plants and wildlife. Many boaters are keen bird
watchers or have a passion for fishing.
And for others just being able to enjoy
the amazing wildlife and scenery from their boats is one of the reasons they
enjoy canal life so much. There are plenty of wildlife related projects you can
get involved with via the canal and river trust check out what's local to you.
4 Environmental Friendly
The very idea of not
caring for the environment for a boater is going to be the exception. The whole
way of life aboard a boat has you thinking and behaving in a different way.
need to make decisions everyday about the amount of electricity and water you
use. How you will get rid of rubbish. The products you use to wash and clean.
The amount of "material stuff" you purchase. The holidays out of the
country you take. The journeys you make in a car. The list goes on and on. So
living or spending time on a narrow boat certainly makes you more
environmentally aware.
5 Keeps you and your
family fit
You may not have a
flight of stairs to climb each day but flights of locks you will have! Boating
will certainly keep you on your toes. Running a boat will require a certain
amount of daily physically work. So if you are wanting to get fit or stay fit
boating will certainly provide you with at least 30 minutes activity a day.
6 The Opportunity to Visit Different Locations
Exploring as many
different areas as your schedule allows you is also a major advantage to owning
a narrowboat. Being able to set off and cruise through countryside and urban
areas gives you a variety of locations to explore and all at a wonderfully slow
7 Being Part Of A Close Knit Community
Ask any one from the
boating community what it's like living on a narrowboat and I bet they say
something along the lines of "it's like having an extended family".
Everyone looks out for each other, offers help when needed and are generally
like minded. Making mooring in groups on the towpath or in a marina a very safe
and pleasurable experience.
8 Freedom
The fact you can
escape the rut of day to day life and cruise away for as long or as little as
you are able, is surely the greatest freedom any one could ask for. Picture that empty canal
in front of a boat
9 Will Save You Money
Its true it really
can save you money! Think about it, if you have just you and your boat to care
for then the bills are going to be minimal, no additional furniture to buy, no
house maintenance to pay for, no keeping up with the Jones's (that's so for land
owners) and limited space to buy "stuff" you don't need. No need for
expensive holidays your living the dream already!
10 Minimises the Need
for Lots Of Possessions
When living aboard or
just spending time on your boat you will soon realise your need to buy material
possessions becomes very unimportant. Don't get me wrong there are going to be
things you want to buy for your boat but they will be more than likely be
essential and practical items rather than "oh I love that vase, I've just
have to have it" type of items.
11 No Traffic Jams
The only jam you are
going to come across is the stuff you spread on your toast!
12 A Closeness to Family
Being on a boat is a
fabulous way of bringing a family closer together. Limited time spent on
gadgets and stuck in front of the TV is replaced with time spent running the
boat as a team.
Evenings spent
together in one place rather than scattered around a house encourages
conversation and spending time with one another. Taking ownership for certain
jobs and learning to share and accept responsibilities, all helps bring your
kids up to be self sufficient, selfless and responsible. It also teaches them
that it's not the material things in life that make you happy; it's family,
friends and yourself that creates happiness.
So when are you
coming to see us?!? Click here for boats for sale
Happy cruising from the team at Venetian Marina.