Narrowboat ITEOTWAWKI Moorers story
The story below was received from BJ and Sue Sandoe who are residential moorers who have moored with us at Venetian Marina for several years.

After both leaving the Royal Navy, then living in Spain, we returned to England in 2015. We bought our first narrowboat 'Sycnamore Too' to live aboard whilst we cruised around the network.
Sue started working at the Venetian Chandlery and Hireboats in October 2016 but we were moored at a different marina and weren't very comfortable or happy there. Having seen the facilities at Venetian Marina we decided that we wanted to come here instead. Our dog, Pepper, had just had a toe amputated and the non-slip steel and fibreglass pontoons would enable her to get about without being carried.

We were attracted to Venetian Marina by the peaceful & quiet location, and the secure and mud free car park is perfect for getting to and from the boat. The grounds are well maintained and the pontoons are kept clear, despite the best efforts of the geese.Each pontoon has an electric hook-up and a water supply which is heated during the winter months.
We are blessed by the many route choices that this marina has to offer, the toilets, showers and cleaning facilities are great.
Once we had arrived we moved around the marina until we found the perfect spot, we also had out boat painted twice and we re-named her 'ITEOTWAWKI' (causing many reprints of the office mooring plan).
We are now settled and we liked it so much we bought the chandlery!!!!
BJ & Sue Sandoe